CPM Teacher Tutorials

LTI v.1.3: Deep Linking

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Use the process on this page to deep link CPM content in your LMS.

IMPORTANT: Before you start these steps, the CPM Tool must be enabled for your LMS.

Open a browser and log into your LMS if not already logged in. If needed, start by creating the course.

Deep Linking to CPM in a Course

  1. In the desired course, select the desired placement for the lesson link from the Courses Menu. For this example Assignments was chosen.
  2. Select the + button to create a new assignment.
  1. Select the Apps icon in the tools menu to select a CPM lesson from the CPM LTI app.
  2. Use the drop down menu to select the eBook (if you have more than one).
  3. Use the drop down menu to select the chapter.
  4. Select the lesson with the select button.
  5. Fill in remaining fields such as Assignment Name.
  6. Save & Publish or Save.

The selected lesson will now display in the assignment.

  1. In the desired course, turn editing on.
  1. Select "Add an activity or resource".
  1. Select "External tool".
  1. Select your Preconfigured tool for CPM LTI
  1. Choose "Select content".
  1. Using the dropdown menus, select the book and chapter.
  2. Then choose "Select" on the needed lesson.
  1. When all needed items have been completed, select "Save and return to course".
  1. When finished, select "Turn editing off"

The new content will now show in your course.

Student View

Selecting the content will go directly to the problem in the CPM eBook.

  1. In the desired course, select the placement for the lesson link from the Courses Menu. For this example Materials was chosen.
  2. Select the Add Materials dropdown.
  3. Choose CPM Educational Program.
  1. Using the dropdown menus, select the book and chapter.
  2. Then choose "Select" on the lesson.

A link to the CPM eBook lesson is now included in the materials for the Schoology course.

  1. Select the new material lesson link to view the lesson in your CPM eBook.

Add the lesson link to your module.

  1. In the desired course, select the desired placement for the lesson link. For this example a module was chosen.
  2. Select the Existing Activities button to create a link to a CPM lesson in Brightspace.
  3. Select CPM Educational Program or the equivalent activity as named by your Brightspace Admin.

Next select the link from the Add Activity modal.

  1. Select the CPM Course.
  2. Select the chapter.
  3. Select the lessson.

Example student view:

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