This article describes how you can give teachers permission to assign student eBooks from your license pool. A teacher that has been made a license provider of a particular student eBook will have that license available to assign to students. Note:
- Teachers enrolling with a PIN are automatically made license providers of the corresponding student eBook.
- If you manually assign a teacher an eBook, you have the option to make the teacher a License Provider for student eBooks.
- If you create a new teacher user, you have the option to make the teacher a License Provider for student eBooks.
You could also allow teachers to become License Providers of teacher eBooks. A user that has been made a license provider of a particular teacher eBook will have that license available to assign to other teachers. Typically, you are a eBook admin to have such permissions.
A license provider for either student or teacher eBooks does NOT actually get either eBook. A license provider can only give other users eBooks!
1. After logging in as a eBook Admin:
- Select 'Manually Assign Teacher License' from the 'eBook Admins' menu.
- Select 'Manage License Providers'.
- Select the 'License Pool' if you have more than one.
- Select a teacher.

2. Choose the eBooks that the user needs to be a license provider for.
- All licenses in a pool are shown up to the maximum amount set in the 'Per Page' box.
- Click the 'Selected Only' button to view only the licenses the user is currently a license provider for.
- If the box next to the license is checked then the user selected above is a license provider for that license.
- Click the box next to 'All' to allow the user to be a license provider for all licenses shown in the current view.
Warning!!: Be sure you do NOT allow the teachers to be license providers for teacher eBook licenses. Only allow Faculty Admins and eBook Admins to be license providers for teacher eBook licenses.