Use the process on this page to integrate your district's Canvas LMS with CPM.
IMPORTANT: Before you start these steps, first perform the CPM Process (link) steps. That process creates the Consumer Key and Shared Secret information that you will enter in Canvas.
Open a browser and log into Canvas if not already logged in. If needed, start by creating the course you need in Canvas.
1. Canvas setup - Admin
- Click Admin.
- Click the link with the name of your school/district.
2. The window lists courses available.
Click Settings.
3. Next, add the CPM app.
- Click the Apps tab.
- Then click +App.
4. In the Edit App window, fill in the following:
- Name: Name the tool you are adding. Suggested name: CPM eBooks. (This name displays in step 9.)
- Consumer Key: Paste in the Consumer Key
- Shared Secret: Paste in the Shared Secret
- Launch URL:
- Domain (optional): (or leave blank)
- Privacy: E-Mail Only
- Custom Fields: leave blank
- Description: leave blank
Click Submit.
5. Next, add the CPM eBooks Production tool to courses where it needs to be available.
- Click Courses.
- Then click the link for a course that needs the tool.
If you are a teacher, and an administrator has already set up the tool for the district/school, skip ahead to step 8.
6. If needed, create a new module in Canvas where you will add the tool. You can also add the tool to existing modules.
7. On the Modules page, find the module where you will add the tool.
Click +. This is the Add Tool button for the module. The Add Item window opens.
- At the top of the window, open the dropdown list and choose External Tool.
- Select the tool you are adding from the list that displays (the tool shown here is "Ebooks Production"). The URL and Page Name fill in automatically. Click Add Item.
- Click Add Item. The window updates automatically.
Now CPM material is available for students and teachers within Canvas for the chosen course.