- Go to: https://cpm.org/courses/ (No login required)
- Click on a textbook cover and scroll towards the bottom.
- Select resources under "Students/Parents (English)"

- https://homework.cpm.org/cpm-homework/ (No login required)
- Click on the right or left arrow until the desired textbook is on top.
- Click on the textbook cover.
- Choose the chapter, lesson, and problem.

CPM Videos are at:
- Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/cpmprogram (or)
- Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/cpmeducationalprogram
- Vimeo links are in the eBooks and at https://cpm.org/courses
- Youtube links are being added to the ebooks during the Fall 2018.

eTools are located:
- In all eBooks within the lessons and student reference section and teacher sections. (Login required!)
- At: http://studenthelp.cpm.org (No login required)
- At: https://cpm.org/courses (See CPM Website section above. No login required)