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CPM Teacher Tutorials
CC Integrated III eTools - T
Chapter 3
INT3 3.1.1: 3-1 Student eTool (Desmos)
Updated on
Oct 17, 2018
Click on the link below to access eTool.
3-1 Student eTool (Desmos)
Use this eTool to determine special points on the graph of a function.
Click and drag along the curve to view the points.
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INT3 2.3.1: 2-134 Student eTool (CPM)
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INT3 3.1.3: 3-47 Student eTool (Desmos)
CC Integrated III eTools - T
General eTools
Random Number Generator
Chapter 1
INT3 1.1.2: 1-13 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 1.1.4: 1-49 Student eTools (Desmos)
INT3 1.1.4: 1-49 Answer eTools (Desmos)
INT3 1.2.3: 1-101 Student eTool (CPM)
INT3 1.2.3: 1-102 Student eTool (CPM)
Chapter 2
INT3 2.1.1: 2-1 Transforming Parabolas (Desmos)
INT3 2.1.2: 2-13 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 2.2.1: 2-28 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 2.2.2: 2-53 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 2.2.3: 2-70 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 2.2.4: 2-90 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 2.2.4: 2-91 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 2.3.1: 2-132 Student eTool (CPM)
INT3 2.3.1: 2-134 Student eTool (CPM)
Chapter 3
INT3 3.1.1: 3-1 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 3.1.3: 3-47 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 3.2.1: 3-67 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 3.2.1: 3-72 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 3.2.2: 3-88 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT 3 3.2.2: 3-88 & 3-90 Answer eTool (Desmos)
INT3 3.2.3: 3-99 & 3-100 Answer eTools (Desmos)
Chapter 4
INT3 4.3.1: 4-61 & 4-63 Student eToosl (CPM)
INT3 4.3.3: 4-83 Student eTool (CPM)
Chapter 5
INT3 5.1.2: 5-19 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 5.2.3: 5-75 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
INT3 5.2.4: 5-86 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 6
INT3 6.1.1: 6-1 Student eTool (CPM)
INT3 6.1.1: 6-2 Student eTool (CPM)
INT3 6.2.4: 6-60, 6-61, & 6-62 Student eTools (Desmos)
Chapter 7
INT3 7.2.4: 7-88 Student eTools (Desmos)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
INT3 9.1.2: 9-10 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
INT3 9.1.3: 9-27 & 9-28 Student eTools (Desmos)
INT3 9.1.4: 9-42 Student eTools (Desmos)
INT3 9.1.4: 9-44 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
INT3 9.1.5: 9-61 Teacher eTool - Unit Circle and Radians (Desmos)
INT3 9.1.5: 9-64 Student eTool (Desmos)
INT3 9.1.7: 9-84 Student eTools (Desmos)
Chapter 10
INT3 10.3.2: 10-151 Student eTool (Desmos)
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