CPM Teacher Tutorials

CPM Teacher eBook Tour

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The Teacher Edition eBook is a Student Edition with additional tabs for answers, teacher notes, personal notes, and sharing.  In addition, an entire teacher section contains much of the information from the large teacher binder as well as additional information such as eTools.

Be sure to view the Student eBook Tour before viewing the Teacher eBook Tour which is an extension of the student tour.

This tutorial describes the overall structure and components of a Teacher Edition CPM eBook. Specific eBooks for the various courses may deviate somewhat from this description. Choose one of the formats below for an overall video tour or select a topic for step by step instruction.

Video Tour

Topic Instruction

Answer Tab

The Answer Tab has two components:

  1. Answers for the student class lesson
  2. Answers for the student homework after the Review and Preview section.
Answer Tab
Teacher Notes Tab for each lesson

The teacher Notes Tab provides the following support sections.

Teacher Notes Tab
Teacher Tab - Left menu at the bottom

1. Program Description

A Quick Reference Guide has links to all of the sections in the Teacher tab as well as research articles discussing  cooperative learning, Problem-Based learning, Spaced Practice, and more!

Course Structure

2. Course Preparation

This is a great place for teachers new to CPM to start.  It includes the Quick Start Guide, course preparation, materials needed for the course, and the timeline for each chapter.

Course Preparation

3. Teacher Support

Linked support materials include: Selected Answers for homework, eTools for all chapters, chapter and lesson mathcast videos, resource pages (pdf), Parent Guide (pdf), and professional development links.

Teacher Support

4. Closure

Find ideas for lesson and chapter closure as well as numerous ideas for summarizing student learning.


5. Assessment

Sample team and individual tests can be downloaded here.  Your eBook username and password is your login for the Assessment Site where you can create and save custom tests and quizzes. There are many more assessment ideas to support you and your students. You can access the CPM Assessment Site through the CPM links at the top menu bar within your eBook.


6. Team Support

Achieving effective study teams can be a challenge for teachers who have not used teams before.  This section provides support and ideas for effective study teams.

Team Support

7. Strategies

Scroll through a plethora of study team and teaching strategies providing numerous ideas for engaging students in your classroom.


8. Universal Access

This tab provides ideas for supporting various student populations.

Universal Access

9. Literacy

The Literacy Resource Guide describes numerous ideas to support students with a variety of literacy challenges as well as great suggestions for students struggling with reading.

Toggle between Full Screen view & Toolbar view

You can hide the toolbars to allow for a larger viewing area.  This is particularly good for viewing on mobile devices or projecting pages to students viewing from the back of the room.

Full Screen Mode

Click the square icon just below the search bar to go into full screen mode.

CPM eBooks - CC Course 1 Lesson 1.1.2

Toolbar Mode

Click the icon with 4 inward facing arrows at the upper right to view the toolbars.

CPM eBooks - CC Course 1 Lesson 1.1.2
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