The Teacher Edition eBook is a Student Edition with additional tabs for answers, teacher notes, personal notes, and sharing. In addition, an entire teacher section contains much of the information from the large teacher binder as well as additional information such as eTools.
Be sure to view the Student eBook Tour before viewing the Teacher eBook Tour which is an extension of the student tour.
This tutorial describes the overall structure and components of a Teacher Edition CPM eBook. Specific eBooks for the various courses may deviate somewhat from this description. Choose one of the formats below for an overall video tour or select a topic for step by step instruction.
Video Tour
- Vimeo: Teacher eBook Introduction
- Vimeo: Supplemental eBook Introduction
- YouTube: Teacher eBook Introduction
- YouTube: Supplemental eBook Introduction
Topic Instruction
The Answer Tab has two components:
- Answers for the student class lesson
- Answers for the student homework after the Review and Preview section.

You can hide the toolbars to allow for a larger viewing area. This is particularly good for viewing on mobile devices or projecting pages to students viewing from the back of the room.
Full Screen Mode
Click the square icon just below the search bar to go into full screen mode.

Toolbar Mode
Click the icon with 4 inward facing arrows at the upper right to view the toolbars.