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CPM Teacher Tutorials
Making Connections 2 - T
Chapter 1
MC2 1.2.1: 1-42 & 1-44 Student eTools (CPM)
Updated on
Oct 01, 2022
Click on the links below.
MC2 1-42 The Giant Spin eTool (CPM)
MC2 1-44 Student eTool (CPM)
1. MC2 1-42 Student eTool: The Giant Spin
2. MC2 1-44 Student eTool
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MC2 1.1.5: .999... Video (Vimeo)
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MC2 1.2.3: Rewriting Fractions as Percents (Vimeo)
Making Connections 2 - T
General Tools
Algebra Tiles (CPM)
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Pattern Tile & Dot Tool (CPM)
Area and Perimeter (CPM)
Base Ten Blocks (CPM)
+/- Tiles & Number Lines (CPM)
Rigid Transformations eTool (CPM)
Data Representations (CPM)
Probability Tools (CPM)
Chapter 1
MC2 1.1.2: 1-8 Figure A-E Student eTools (CPM)
MC2 1.1.4: Frog Jumping Contest Video
MC2 1.1.5: .999... Video (Vimeo)
MC2 1.2.1: 1-42 & 1-44 Student eTools (CPM)
MC2 1.2.3: Rewriting Fractions as Percents (Vimeo)
MC2 1.2.4: 1-81 Student eTool (CPM)
MC2 1.3.1: Long Division Video (Vimeo)
Chapter 2
MC2 2.1.1: 2-2 Student eTool (CPM)
MC2 2.1.3: 2-37 Student eTool (CPM)
MC2 2.1.3: 2-37Answer eTool (CPM)
MC2 2.2.1: 2-45 Key-Lock Puzzle (CPM & Videos)
MC2 2.2.2: Transformation Challenge 1 & 2 (CPM)
MC2 2.2.3: 2-59 Student eTool (Desmos)
MC2 2.2.4: 2-75 Student eTool (Desmos)
MC2 2.2.4: 2-74 & 2-75 Answer eTool (Desmos)
MC2 2.3.3 & 2.3.4 & 2.3.5: Area Decomposer (Desmos)
MC2 2.3.5: Trapezoid Decomposer (Desmos)
Chapter 3
MC2 3.1.1: 3-4 & 3-5a,b,c Student eTools (CPM)
MC2 3.1.2: 3-12 & 3-15 Student eTools (CPM)
MC2 3.1.2: 3-12 & 3-15 Answer eTool (CPM)
MC2 3.1.3: 3-24 Student eTool (CPM)
MC2 3.1.3: 3-24 Answer eTool (CPM)
MC2 3.1.4: 3-34 Figures 1-3 Student eTools (Desmos)
Chapter 4
MC2 4.2.2: Climate Data Internet Link
Chapter 10
MC2 10.1.6: How big is a ...? Video
MC2 10.1.6: Powers of Ten video
Chapter 11
MC2 11.2.2: Random Number Generator eTool (CPM)
MC2 11.2.3: 11-46 Student eTool (CPM)
Smart Board Chapter Files
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Student: CPM eBooks (Student Version)
Teacher: CPM eBooks (Teacher Version)
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Student: Presentation Tools
Teacher: CPM Assessment Site
Teacher: Create Practice Quiz
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