CPM Teacher Tutorials

Create Practice Test: 1. Select questions

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This tutorial provides step by step instructions for creating a question set.

1. Select book and topics.


  1. "Core Connections 3"
  2. "Chapter 1"
  3. "Graphing"
  4. Number of results per page
  5. "Problem" type
  6. "Difficulty" level
  7. Find a problem by keywords or ID number.
  8. Search for problems.
Select book and topics.

2. Choose the following questions:

  • Problem 320
  • Problem 6378
  • Problem 6546
Choose the following questions:

3. Save the set:


  1. Add Selected to Cart, if not already in cart.
  2. Checkout (Found at the beginning of the questions.)
  3. Name the set: CC3 Ch1 Practice Quiz
  4. Choose "Create."
Save the set:
Next Article Create Practice Test: 2. Add to an Existing Test