This tutorial describes the process for creating a histogram on a TI-84 Graphing Calculator.
Watch the 3 minute video or follow the steps below it.
1. Turn your Stat Plot ON and select the Histogram Icon.
Select [2nd[ [Stat Plot]. Use the arrow keys to turn the Stat Plot "On". Press 'ENTER'. Then use the arrow keys to select the Histogram Icon. Press 'ENTER' to select. Note: Be sure that there are no graphs in the [Y=] button that will graph over your histogram!

2. Go to STAT --> Edit. Press 'ENTER'.

3. Type values into L1. Press 'ENTER' after each entry.

4. Go to Zoom Stat (Zoom 9) to view and to create a friendly window.
After selecting ZOOM, press the number "9" on the key pad. Or use the arrow keys to scroll down to number 9 and press 'ENTER'.

5. Use the TRACE button and arrow keys to toggle through the bars of the histogram.

6. Change the bin by going into Window and changing the x scale.
Use the arrow keys to scroll down to the Xscl. Type in the new numbers. Press 'ENTER'.

7. Press GRAPH. The new histogram will reflect new heights of the bars with a different bin value.
Use the trace button and arrow keys to view the new values on the histogram.