This article describes how to replace/remove a class eBook as well as adding additional eBooks to a class. The number of licenses available to issue to students is also shown.
- Click the 'Books' Tab first!
- If you have 1 class eBook and you need to replace the eBook with a different eBook, click the 'Replace' button.
- Then click the arrows to select an available eBook.

If you have more than 1 class eBook:
- A 'Remove' not 'Replace' shows for each title.
- You can remove eBooks until the last eBook which will displace as 'Replace'.
- (Note: you cannot have a class without an eBook.)

To add an eBook:
- Click the 'Add an eBook' Button.
- Select an eBook from the drop down menu.
- (Note: you will only see titles available to you.)

The number of licenses available to issue (Licenses Remaining) is located in the Book Tab.