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CPM Teacher Tutorials
CC Geometry eTools - T
Chapter 2
CCG 2.1.3: Reflection of Light Teacher Demonstration (CPM)
Updated on
Feb 20, 2025
Click on the link below for the “Reflection of Light Demonstration"
Reflection of Light Demonstration
1. Reflect off a mirror.
2. Use chalk dust.
Previous Article
CCG 2.1.2: Marcos' Tile Pattern (CPM)
Next Article
CCG 2.1.4: Triangle Sum Theorem (Desmos)
CC Geometry eTools - T
General eTools
Algebra Tiles (CPM)
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Probability Tools (CPM)
Similarity Toolkit (CPM)
Rigid Transformations eTool (CPM)
3D Blocks (CPM)
Shape Bucket (Desmos)
Generic Venn Diagram (Desmos)
Chapter 1
CCG 1.1.1: Geometry First Day of School Teacher Video
CCG 1.1.1: Quilt Pictures and PowerPoint (.pps & .doc)
CCG 1.1.2: Teacher Mobius Strip Setup, Lesson, Closure and Intro/Summary Video
CCG 1.1.5: The Power of X Videos
CCG 1.1.5: Using Hinged Mirrors Teacher Video
CCG 1.2.1: 1-45 3D Nets (CPM)
CCG 1.2.2: Transformations with 1-59 & 1-60a, c (Desmos)
CCG 1.2.2: Using Patty Paper Teacher Video
CCG 1.2.6: 1-100 Spiral Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 1.3.1: 1-111 Venn Diagrams Shape A, B & C eTools (Desmos)
CCG 1.3.1: 1-111 Venn Diagrams Shape A, B & C Answer eTools (Desmos)
CCG: 1.3.2 1-117 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 2
CCG 2.1.2: Marcos' Tile Pattern (CPM)
CCG 2.1.3: Reflection of Light Teacher Demonstration (CPM)
CCG 2.1.4: Triangle Sum Theorem (Desmos)
CCG 2.2.2: Area of a Triangle (Desmos)
CCG 2.2.3: Shape Bucket (Desmos)
CCG 2.3.1: Triangle Inequality (Desmos)
CCG 2.3.2: The Pythagorean Theorem (Desmos)
Chapter 3
CCG 3.1.1: Pantograph Teacher Video
CCG 3.1.2: Similarity Stretching Word Document (Doc)
CCG 3.1.4: Mt. Rushmore Unveiling Video
CCG 3.2.1 Similarity Toolkit (CPM) and Video
CCG 3.2.1: 3-48b & 3-48c Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 3.2.1: 3-50a, 3-50b #1 & #2 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 3.2.4: 3-84b #1 & #2, 3-85b & 3-86 (CPM)
CCG 3.2.4: 3-86 Answer eTool (CPM)
CCG 3.2.6: Squawk Like a Chicken Materials Setup Teacher Video
Chapter 4
CCG 4.1.1: Leaning Tower of Pisa (Desmos) and Information Video
CCG 4.1.3: 4-23 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 4.1.5: Clinometer video
CCG 4.1.5: History of the Statue of Liberty Video
CCG 4.2.2: 4-64 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 4.2.3: 4-76 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 4.2.4: 4-94 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 4.2.4: Random Number Generator (
CCG 4.2.5: 4-101, 4-102 & 4-103 Spinner (CPM)
Chapter 5
CCG 5.1.4: El Capitan Climber Video
CCG 5.1.4: 5-36 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
CCG 5.1.4: 5-38 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 5.1.4: 5-38 Answer eTool (Desmos)
CCG 5.3.4: 5-107c Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 5.3.5: 3D Model Box (CPM)
Chapter 6
CCG 6.1.1: 6-1 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 6.1.3: 6-20a, 6-20b & 6-21 (CPM)
CCG 6.2.4: Monty Hall Technology Tool
CCG 6.2.5: Snowflake Videos
CCG 6.2.2: 6-61 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 7
CCG 7.1.1: 7-1b Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 7.1.3: 7-21 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 7.1.3: 7-21 Answer eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 8
CCG 8.1.3: Exterior Angles (Desmos)
CCG 8.3.2: 8-100 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 9
CCG 9.1.1: 9-2 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 9.1.1: 9-4 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 9.1.2: 9-14 Student eTool (CPM)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
CCG 11.2.2: 11-92 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCG 11.2.3: Secants of a Circle (CPM)
Chapter 12
CCG 12.1.4 Focus-Directrix Graph eTool (Desmos)
CCG 12.1.2: 12-16 Student eTool (CPM)
CCG 12.1.3: 12-38 Student eTool (Desmos)
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Teacher: CPM eBooks (Teacher Version)
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Teacher: CPM Assessment Site
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TI-84 Graphing Calculator
Algebra Videos - T
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CC Algebra 2 eTools - T
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