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CPM Teacher Tutorials
CC Algebra 2 eTools - T
Chapter 1
CCA2 1.1.2: 1-10 Student eTool (Desmos)
Updated on
Aug 03, 2018
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1-10 Student eTool (Desmos)
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CCA2 2.1.2: 2-12 Student eTool (Desmos)
CC Algebra 2 eTools - T
General eTools
Algebra Tiles (CPM)
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Data Representations (CPM)
3D Plotter (CPM)
TI 83/84 Graphing Calculator
Chapter 1
CCA2 1.1.2: 1-10 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 2
CCA2 2.1.2: 2-12 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 2.1.3: 2-30 Transforming Parabolas (Desmos)
CCA2 2.1.4: 2-43 Student eTool (CPM)
CCA2 2.1.5: 2-65 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 2.2.1: 2-79 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 2.2.2: 2-104 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 2.2.3: 2-121 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 2.2.3: 2-122 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 2.2.5: 2-156 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 3
CCA2 3.2.1: 3-57 Student eTools (Desmos)
CCA2 3.2.1: 3-57 Answer eTools (Desmos)
CCA2 3.2.2: 3-73 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 3.2.5: 3-111 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 4
CCA2 4.1.1: 4-1 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 4.2.1: 4-58 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 4.2.1: 4-63 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 4.2.1: 4-63 Answer eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 4.2.2: 4-79 & 4-81 Answer eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 4.2.3: 4-90 Answer eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 5
CCA2 5.1.2: 5-19 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 5.2.3: 5-81 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 5.2.4: 5-94 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 5.2.4: 5-94 Answer eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 6
CCA2 6.1.2: 3D Point Plotter and Graphing Linear Equations in Three Variables (CPM)
CCA2 6.1.5: 6-61 Student eTool (Desmos)
Chapter 7
CCA2 7.1.1: Blood Drip Lab Preparation Video
CCA2 7.1.2: 7-12 Student eTools (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.2: 7-12 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.3: 7-33 & 7-34 Student eTools (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.3: 7-34 Unit Circle Showing Sine Curve (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.4: 7-52 Student eTool: The Cosine Calculator eTool (Desmos)
CCA2: 7.1.4: Unit Circle Showing Cosine Graph Teacher eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.5: 7-73 Teacher eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.5: 7-76 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.6: Unit Circle with Reference Triangles (Desmos)
CCA2 7.1.7: 7-100 Student eTools (Desmos)
CCA2 7.2.1: Transforming Sine and Cosine Functions (Desmos)
CCA2 7.2.4: General Form of the Sine Function with Sliders (Desmos)
Chapter 8
CCA2 8.3.1: Polynomial Division with and without a remainder Videos
Chapter 9
CCA2 9.3.1: 9-71 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 9.1.2: RNG Online
Chapter 10
CCA2 10.3.1: 10-133 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 10.3.1: Pascal's Triangle (Desmos)
Chapter 11
CCA2 11.1.1: 11-1 Student eTool (CPM)
CCA2 11.1.1: 11-2 Student eTool (CPM)
CCA2 11.1 & 11.2: Random Number Generator online
CCA2 11.2.4 7-73 & 7-74 Student eTools (Desmos)
CCA2 11.2.1: online & 11-37 eTool (CPM) & Data Representations (CPM)
Chapter 12
CCA2 12.1.4: 12-61 (1/sinx) Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 12.1.4: 12-65 (1/cosx and 1/tanx) Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 12.1.4: 12-61 & 12-65 Answer eTool (Desmos)
Appendix A
CCA2 A.1.1: A-4 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 A.2.1: A-42 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 A.3.1: A-84 Student eTool (Desmos)
Appendix B
CCA2 B.1.1: B-2 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 B.1.2: B-20 Student eTool (Desmos)
CCA2 B.1.4: B-40 & B-41 Student eTool (Desmos)
Appendix C
Other Resources
Technical Integrations
Licenses administered manually
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Student: CPM eBooks (Student Version)
Teacher: CPM eBooks (Teacher Version)
Teacher: Professional Learning
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Student: Presentation Tools
Teacher: CPM Assessment Site
Teacher: Create Practice Quiz
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